Saturday, May 9, 2009


I go to a men's bible study on Saturday mornings at a local coffee shop. I've known most of the guys that attend for years and love all of them. We have a great time discussing and studying biblical concepts. Lately we have been discussing foregiveness and it is fascinating to hear the different perspectives we all have on the subject. We all agree that Jesus was the first foregiver and because of His foregiveness of us, we are empowered to forgive.

We were reading the parable about the servant who owed an enormous amount of money to his master. The master forgave him of his debt however the servant went out and refused to forgive a fellow servant who owed him only a few dollars. When his master found out about it he called the servant before him and dispatched him to the jailers until he paid back the entire debt.

Jesus forgave us that debt we could not pay back so that we would in turn forgive others the small things they do to us. It's true in marriage isin't it that when we choose to forgive our spouse, the forgiveness we have received from Jesus empowers us to pass it on. Just a thought to keep in mind as we go through the day, to pass on the forgiveness we have received to others.