The more we mentor, the more we learn that there are still issues in our own lives that we are dealing with. Have you noticed how when you have overcome certain issues, the enemy tries to throw them back up in your face as if they are still issues. We must always be wise to his schemes, not ever letting our guard down.
I was praying today and the Lord reminded me that those things of the past can be used by the devil as a "homing pigeon." I’ll explain... My husband is a mighty, faith man. Did you know that the opposite of faith is fear. Fear means flight or flee, being so scared “that which may cause flight.” Alan trusts God with his whole heart. He does! But there was a time early in our marriage where we were not in financial harmony. We have since, done Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace, we pray together seeking God’s financial council and we are in agreement when we do everything now. Now we are investing in the stock market together.
However, that homing pigeon of (financial) fear still tries to come back and land on Alan (to roost in his thoughts), even though Alan has already overcome that. So we must first, have the eyes to SEE as it is happening so that we can, REMIND the enemy that we have overcome that fear and THANK God that we are new creations in Christ Jesus. The old creature has passed away, behold we are made anew. “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the kingdom of God” Luke 9:62. Fear cannot run roughshod over us anymore. It has no place. We now stand firm, in Jesus’ name.
Try that he may, the enemy cannot succeed in tormenting Alan in the area of financial investments. We bind our minds to the mind of Christ meaning that the enemy cannot come in the back door. Half of the battle is being aware that there is an accuser of the bretheren. Since we know that the opposite of faith is fear, the enemy longs to pervert Alan’s “faith mindset” to a “fear mentality”. So we take our authority because we are no longer in that place of fear anymore. We have spiritually matured! We are so far removed from that place we were years ago, there is no comparison to what we knew then to what we now know. And we aren’t going back, but are moving ahead in Christ Jesus. Empowered by the Holy Spirit! Praise God!