Thursday, July 23, 2009


Jamie and I are having breakfast tomorrow with a great friend and missionary, John Weed. John has been working in the nation of Kazakhstan for over 10 years. He planted Joy Church in Almaty and through his leadership the church has grown to over 10,000 primarily Muslim Christians. Joy Church has planted over 50 churches in the country of KZ.

The people there are desperate for the life giving word of Jesus Christ. Joy Church sponsors a drug and alcohol rehab facility as well as an orphanage located in neighboring Tajikistan. Please pray for the people there that the evil one will not be able to blind their eyes to the truth of God's wonderful good news.

John has asked us to lead a marriage retreat in Almaty in which he can bring in the pastors and their wives from all 50 of their church plants. The pastors and wives almost never receive any ministry themselves because the people in their churches are so needy. Please pray that we can minister life and refreshing to them as we pour into their lives. These men and women have sacrificed much to be a believer in Jesus Christ.