Sunday, October 30, 2011

God's Glory

We just got back from doing a marriage conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Our drive was gloriously “breath-taking.” And when I say this, I mean it not simply as an expression, but as a true physical manifestation from “taking in” an extra-ordinary view of color, like that from a jewel box. I’ve often heard people being interviewed in life-after-death experiences, express that color in heaven is not the same as the color we know here on earth. As an artist, I look forward to experiencing it, because I can’t imagine it any more beautiful than what I experienced this past mid-October weekend.

Something about the leaves’ fall color being back-lit by the sun makes me think of stained-glass windows. I had to lean my head back on the headrest just to take it all in. God’s presence is affecting me this way too. Unlike any other time, God “awe-inspiring” experiences are the norm. I am beginning to see Him more and more in the little things, as well as big ones. God is in everything. His fingerprint is everywhere around me. Even when bad things happen, instead of focussing on the bad, now I see or anticipate the good that is coming. Because without the bad, God could not “show off” what He can does best.

I love the scripture, “What the enemy means for evil, God means for good.” And also, when Jesus’ disciples asked, why the man was blind? Was it because of his sin or that of his parents? The answer. “Neither,” Jesus answered. “It is so that God can show His glory through miracle-working power.” What better reason? Then Jesus spat on the ground, made clay, spread it on the blind mans’ eyes and sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam- which means Sent. When the man came back, he could see.

(Jamie) My eyes have been opened to see the miracle-working power of Daddy God in my own life. In our marriage; my health; and our children! I know He is always up to something good. That is what the Bible says, “For You (God) are great and work wonders (miracles)! You alone are God!” -Isaiah 86:10. I guess you could say, God has made a Believer out of me. Once you have experienced His miracle, you see things in a very different light (so to speak). My perspective on life is now back-lit by the glory of the Lord. It is awe-inspiring, breath-taking and down-right amazing!

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