Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Refreshment! We all want it. We all need to have it when we get to a point of saturation with life. We often decide to go on a vacation when we get to that point. To a place to get away from the fierce pace of life. To rest; slow our pace; to catch our breath. From a Christians’ standpoint, we already have that available to us! It is that secret place with our Lord. We can go there anytime, day or night. He is the 24/7 Counselor. 
The Amplified Bible defines the Holy Spirit as Counselor, Advocate, Teacher,  Intercessor, Strengthener, Guide and Standby. All of those. You can just crawl up into His big, loving, Daddy arms and express yourself to the only One who really understands because He created you and knows exactly what is going on (as being omnipotent, He has unlimited power and authority). You expressing your heart is the single most important thing that matters to Him at that moment (because He is omnipresent- He is everywhere at all times). 
It is best going to Him. The Perfect Counselor is Love. He is patient and kind. Long-suffering, full of grace and mercy. Does not condemn. Loves unconditionally. Knows the plans He has for you. Plans of peace (His Peace, Perfect Peace). To give you hope and a future (His Future). To give you life to experience to the full. Go there. To that secret place with Him and draw from His Presence. His Will for you. 
The enemy uses busy-ness to rob us of our peace and joy. Enjoy refreshment with the Father from this place called LIFE. The wheel of life is always turning. It is up to you to get a reprieve. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you when you need to go there. Jump off the wheel and into the His arms. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” -Deuteronomy 33:27

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