Thursday, July 23, 2009


Jamie and I are having breakfast tomorrow with a great friend and missionary, John Weed. John has been working in the nation of Kazakhstan for over 10 years. He planted Joy Church in Almaty and through his leadership the church has grown to over 10,000 primarily Muslim Christians. Joy Church has planted over 50 churches in the country of KZ.

The people there are desperate for the life giving word of Jesus Christ. Joy Church sponsors a drug and alcohol rehab facility as well as an orphanage located in neighboring Tajikistan. Please pray for the people there that the evil one will not be able to blind their eyes to the truth of God's wonderful good news.

John has asked us to lead a marriage retreat in Almaty in which he can bring in the pastors and their wives from all 50 of their church plants. The pastors and wives almost never receive any ministry themselves because the people in their churches are so needy. Please pray that we can minister life and refreshing to them as we pour into their lives. These men and women have sacrificed much to be a believer in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reform Divorce

In the early 1970's Alabama, following the state of California's lead, changed their laws concerning divorce. Alabama became one of the first states to enacted a "No Fault" Divorce law in which it became much easier for married couples to divorce.

As no-fault divorce gained popularity, the great majority of divorces where granted on the basis of incompatibility. In 1995, the state's divorce rate was 43 percent higher than the national average.

Couples mutually agree to marry however with no-fault divorce legislation, one party can unilaterally end the marriage without consent from the other party. Prior to the passage of no-fault laws, both couples had to consent to divorce and often a judge would threaten to impose sanctions that led couples to try and work things out.

We desperately need to reform our States divorce laws to remove no-fault language. Please join with us in supporting divorce reform at

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sometimes it's the little things that we celebrate in life. Earlier this week, Jamie found a little green tree frog on the top of our garbage can lid. It had been caught between the lid and the trash can and the lid had closed on it's body. It could not move it's legs at all. So she brought it inside and created a little nest with leaves and water and some goldfish food. Who knew that frogs like goldfish food?

We actually prayed for the little thing that God would heal its legs. Slowly it was able to move around on one leg. Pulling the other behind fully stretched out. Very sad looking. Well then it started to use both legs crawling around his little nest. Finally he was climbing to the top of the nest trying to get out.

Well finally today we had him out and he jumped out of Jamie's hands onto the floor. time for release back outside. We left him on a tree, looking for insects to eat, fully recovered and ready to jump. What a neat thing to whatch happen! God heals and is concerned even about a little green tree frog. What does that say about us? God cares about even the smallest of things where we are concerned. Ask him to heal you today!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yesterday Jamie and I drove to Atlanta with my Mom amd Dad. While traveling he and I were talking about his time overseas. He had started at Auburn and shortly after arriving there was drafted. He spent time in some of the most well know battle grounds in the Pacific. He was in Guadalcanal and Espiritu Santo in the Hebrides. Then on to Leyte and then finally in Cebu on the Philipine Islands. Recently he went to Washington D.C. on an Honor Flight along with 135 other Veterans.

He is the last of that greatest generation of men who went to war and sacrificed everything to provide for our American way of life. His generation is one of self-sacrifice. He has always been that way. Even today, he would give before thinking of himself. What a heritage to leave behind for future generations. A heritage of sacrifice for something bigger than oneself.

On this Fourth of July, I celebrate my father and all those who have given their lives in service to our country. My dad, a Godly man represents the love of our heavenly Father better than anyone I know. I thank God for all the heros that helped make our country the beacon of freedom that it is today.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Different from the World

We have an opportunity to appear on the Paul Finebaum radio program next week. His is a secular sports talk show. Jamie and I have been thinking about how to present what we have written to a decidedly un-Christian market. As Christian's we are called to be "in" the world but not a part "of" the world. As Paul, the Apostle, instructs in Romans 12:2, we are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what the will of God is. That which is good and acceptable and perfect. We are also called to be salt and light to a generation that is perishing.

We see so many Christians conforming to the world rather than being transformed by their relationship with Christ. Our daughter's favorite shirt is from a camp she attended years ago. On it is written the phrase "Carpe' Diem" or "seize the day". Many times we are afraid of what others will think if we express our faith or take a stand for what is right. When in reality the world is desperately searching for someone to speak some truth into their lives.

If we are salt, then we are a preservative to help keep our culture from disentegrating. We are called to enhance the lives of those around us, as salt improves flavor. We are the aroma of Christ and a sweet smelling incense to those that are searching for life. Be salt and light to someone today, Carpe' Diem!