Saturday, August 8, 2009

Julie and Julia

We saw Julie and Julia tonight. It was quite fun. Most people would csll it a chick flick. However, Alan enjoyed it as much as I did. It's two beautifil love stories intertwined into one story line. In both cases the husbands support their wives, while the wives pusue their dreams. Julia Childs', husband works for the governmenr during the McCarthy era. While Julie's story takes place in modern day New York City. I didn't know that it was a true story until the end of the movie, which makes it that much more intriuguing.I never knew much about julis Childs, but I am ready to get a book about her. What a loveable character!

I think the part I love best is the way marriages were depicted. The husbands and the wives were so in love with one another. They laughed together, supported and affirmed one another. It was rerfreshing! I am so tired of seeing dysfunction in families and marriages amongst movie stars and in the entertainment industry. People need to see what healthy looks like in this crazy, mixed up world. Keep it coming!