Thursday, June 25, 2009

Atlanta Live

Jamie and I were on the Atlanta Live TV show last Friday night. We had such fun, the hosts Roy and Sherry were great and we were able to share with the Atlanta cable market about Third Cord Secret and our passion to save marriages.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. John and I have really been blessed to get our feet wet in marriage ministry. We know that with the Holy Spirit all things that seem to be "hopeless" become "hopeful". It is our prayer that many will pick up your book The Third Cord Secret and invite the Holy Spirit into their marriage. I confess I have done it both ways! The first time I was married I was not even a believer! After getting saved during my divorce process and seven years of growing up in God, I can now say God has blessed John and I with a Spirit filled marriage. It might work without it, but it won't be easy. The Holy Spirit binds us together in Christ and he brings love, joy, peace and unity into the married life. Your book will explain to so many what has been lacking and will rebirth their marriage. God Bless you both for your efforts!
